Monday, September 26, 2011


You should probably only try to boycott things that matter.  Here is a quick spectrum:

10! -- Not letting black folks ride busses like "regular folks" -- [Totally worth a boycott]
7 -- Women making about $0.75 to every man's $1, for equal positions -- [Probably worth more, but, you know this is pretty much every company.  Who ya gunna boycott? A man's gotta eat.]
5 -- Arrested Development not on air. Two and Half Men on air. --  [I never, EVER watch CBS, 'cept for SEC football]
1 -- Boycotts aimed around silly teenage style dick jokes. -- [Actually, works as a reverse boycott in which your silly protestations actually HELP drive the companies marketing. "Look, kids! Conservative church ladies don't like it!?! Aren't we naughty?"]

Congrats on brilliant marketing, unilever.  I haven't bought your crappy ice cream in years.  I will now.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

welcome to the internet

once upon a time a man with peculiar tastes, such as my own, was an island unto himself.  now, thanks to the internet, a man can join his brethren in the positively insane.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Family Time

5 things that probably SHOULDN'T come in "family size" packaging

1. Tampons
2. Petroleum Jelly
3. Clearasil
4. Oreos
5. Flunitrazepam

Advice For NY -- Living your best life in the big shitty

* If you own a vehicle that makes noise when you back up, you need to be less cavalier about backing up.

* Once upon a time, the mayor proposed a car alarm ban in NYC.  I didn't think this was quite right.  Rather than criminalize car alarms, I felt he should simply DE-criminalize taking baseball bats to cars with car alarms.

* Seriously, you smell.  None of your friends has the heart to say it.  But you do.

* Just the thought of trying to orchestrate some travel outside your borders gave me stress.  I canceled said travel as a result.  You should think about being less needy.